Our sermon series is called “Working for the Lord” and it is all about our vocations, our daily labors, our jobs. In today’s message we discover a surprising companion in the Bible to our work: Rest. 1. Your Lord wants you to rest, 2. The Lord wants you to trust, and 2. The lord wants…
Continue Reading...We continue with our sermon series “Working for the Lord. In today’s message, Pastor Matt raises the issue of hard work, of diligence at work, the concept of industriousness. He encourages us to Repent of Laziness and Get to Work, Get to Work and Set an Example, Warn Others to Get to Work, and Get…
Continue Reading...We continue our new series,”Working for the Lord”, with a message from Pastor Kirk Albrecht who teaches us about working at witnessing and witnessing at work. Using the delightful story of the young Israeli slave girl who kept her message simple and simply said what she knew in the course of her work day, Kirk…
Continue Reading...We have started a new sermon series this fall in which we’re learning together that God cares about our jobs, that God cares how we do our jobs, and that God empowers us to do our jobs for Him. We are working for the Lord. We are learning that we all do that. Even if…
Continue Reading...Last week, we started a new sermon series titled “Working For the Lord.” We are learning that God cares about our work. This week, we look at the big picture of the Bible while trying to answer the question “Is work good or bad?” Work was good (so enjoy your work). Work went bad (it…
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