
Lanse Link

Lanse Link :: September 15, 2024

Sunday, September 15, 2024 Church Family News New Youth Group! The youth group will begin meeting on Sunday evenings at 7:00pm starting September 22nd. All students in grades 7 and up are invited to come for games, snacks, and fun while learning to study our Bibles together. This Fall, the youth group will be learning to grow closer to God by studying the book of Ephesians. See Cody and Holly Crumrine for more information. Facilities…

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Lanse Link :: September 8, 2024

Sunday, September 8, 2024 Church Family News KBC Teachers/Helpers Lunch Meeting KBC Teachers and Helpers will be meeting Sunday, September 15th from Noon-2:00pm for a time of fellowship, training, planning and prayer. LUNCH will be provided. Please RSVP if you are or are not able to attend by today. Please see Vicky Albert with any questions. Missionary Christmas in September Each year we collect a special offering aimed to bless the missionaries we support and…

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Lanse Link :: September 1, 2024

Sunday, September 1, 2024 Church Family News Communion Sunday Today we will be passing communion plates for those partaking in the auditorium. There are pre-packaged communion elements for anyone, inside or outside, who would prefer to use them as we worship together at the Lord’s Table. We have a gluten free option for those with special dietary needs. New Beginnings in Kids Bible Classes! This morning, KBC will start a new series of lessons in…

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Lanse Link – August 25, 2024

Sunday August 25, 2024 Church Family News Snack and Yack in the Prayer Room Pastor Matt is reorganizing his office, so Snack and Yack will meet in the Prayer Room today. Bring your sermon handout! Director of Family Ministry Last Sunday the congregation affirmed the appointment of Jordyn Skacel as LEFC’s first Director of Family Ministry! Jordyn will be leading our efforts to bring families into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ through ministries to…

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Lanse Link – August 18, 2024

Sunday August 18, 2024 Church Family News Special Meeting: Director of Family Ministry The LEFC Elders are pleased to present Jordyn Skacel to the congregation to be our first Director of Family Ministry. An active member of LEFC, Jordyn has been a part of the West Branch Community for her whole life and is an honors graduate of Penn State University. For the last seven years, she has been serving as a missionary with Cru,…

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LEFC Guide to Worship at Home – 30 August 2020

August 28, 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship Sunday, August 30, 2020 Lanse Evangelical Free Church From the Pastor Home Worship Guide Church Family News Prayer Items Dear Church Family, On a prayer walk this week, I was asking the Lord what I should preach on next, and the clearest answer that I got was “fortifying truth.” Our hearts need fed truth that strengthens us to live as faithful followers of Jesus in a turbulent and tumultuous world. I’m…

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LEFC Guide to Worship – 23 August 2020

August 21, 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship Sunday, August 23, 2020 Lanse Evangelical Free Church From the Pastor Home Worship Guide Church Family News Prayer Items From the Pastor Dear Church Family, Going back to school can be difficult in a normal year, and this year is anything but normal. I’m glad that we set aside time every August to specifically pray for everyone involved: students, teachers, administrators, staff, and parents. We are going to pray for those…

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LEFC Guide to Worship – 16 August 2020

August 14, 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship Sunday, August 16, 2020 Lanse Evangelical Free Church From the Pastor Home Worship Guide Church Family News Prayer Items From the Pastor Dear Church Family, I think it’s important in these troubled days to celebrate every blessing that we can see. We know that God is always giving out good gifts left and right, but when there are so many disruptions and trials to deal with, it often takes more effort…

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LEFC Guide to Worship – 9 August 2020

August 7, 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship Sunday, August 9, 2020 Lanse Evangelical Free Church From the Pastor Home Worship Guide Church Family News Prayer Items From the Pastor Dear Church Family, Thank you for praying for Heather and me as we were on vacation in Cook Forest last week. We had a blessed and restful time. It was good to get away, and it’s also good to be back again. It’s a joy to be your pastor!…

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LEFC Guide to Worship – 2 August, 2020

July 30, 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship Sunday, August 2, 2020 Lanse Evangelical Free Church From the Pastor Home Worship Guide Church Family News Prayer Items More Links to Helpful Resources From the Pastor Dear Church Family, I’m away this week, but I wanted to leave a note for Marilynn to include with Worship Guide, to say how much I love our church family and what a privilege it is to serve as your shepherd. Thank you for…

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