The Family Table

Feeding the Faith of LEFC Families

TFT: Protect Young Eyes

March 9, 2025

Dear LEFC Parents,

We are excited to share with you some upcoming Family Ministries happenings here at LEFC. Stay on the lookout for new activities and resources we’re drumming up soon! Here is some current news, along with this week’s highlighted resource for dessert.

Nursery Update Meeting

On April 6th, during the church family meal and before the meeting, moms of nursery-aged children and those who are expecting are invited to meet in the MOPS room across from the fellowship hall to discuss updates to the nursery. We will share ideas and gather input about how to serve families well. Moms can go through the line first and share lunch together while we chat.

Save the Date for Fall Retreat

We have confirmed the date for Fall Retreat 2025. Mark your calendars for September 19-21! We will be back at Seven Mountains Scout Camp for a fun-filled weekend with your church family.

Easter Egg Hunt 2025

Our egg hunt is fast approaching! We are gathering donations of individually wrapped candy to fill the eggs, as well as prizes for kids to win. We will also soon have a sign-up for volunteers to help in various ways during the hunt. Find the event on Facebook and invite your friends to join us!

Games Leader for Family Bible Week

Family Bible week will be held July 7-13, 2025. We have most of our key positions filled, but are in need of someone to lead the games rotation. If you would like to help out in this area, please see Jordyn Skacel.

“Conquering Jericho” Kids Bible Class Devotional

You have free access to a family devotional based on the curriculum our kids are studying each week in KBC! It’s called “The Gospel Project at Home.” Today’s Bible Study is “Conquering Jericho” (Volume 3: Unit 7: Session 2), and the devotional can be found at this link.

Visit the Family Ministries page on our website for information about how to access The Gospel Project at Home for the first time.

And for Dessert…

This week’s recommendation for family discipleship is a ministry devoted to helping families develop safer digital spaces.

Chris McKenna, a social media expert, advocate, and dad of 4, is the driving force behind Protect Young Eyes, a robust website full of rich resources to help parents, teachers, and churches protect kids from the dangers of being online.

Last week, I (Pastor Matt) saw a “10 by 10” goal set out by Chris that parents to strive for 10 solid conversations about pornography before age 10.”

Chris says, “You can do this! What about striving for 10 solid conversations about pornography before each of your kids hits age 10? Sure, more might be better, but just to give everyone a start. And, start early! Age 5 if you can (here’s some help!). This ensures that your ideas about pornography are embedded in them long before that first exposure.?”

The team at Protect Young Eyes suggest 3 steps and 5 habits to protect your kids from internet danger and they offer tools for all of them including assessment guides, a parent course, articles, videos, app reviews, device guidelines, and much more.

Some of the latest blog posts:

– Best Phones for Kids: The Ultimate Guide
– How to Block Porn
– TikTok’s Algorithm is Scary Smart. Here’s How it Works.
– What is Cyber Flashing? My Kid Received P*rn

I appreciated PYE’s “pro-tech and protect” approach and wish something like this existed when our kids were young.


START HERE at Protect Young Eyes.
Access Chris’ interview on Internet Safety with Veritas Press
Facebook Page for Protect Young Eyes

We hope your family eats it right up.

Jordyn Skacel, Director of Family Ministry
Matt Mitchell, Pastor


For the last several years, our Children’s Church ministry has utilized The Gospel Project as our Bible study curriculum. The Gospel Project is really excellent–it takes our Little Learners and Bible Explorers chronologically through the whole Bible over the course of three years while always focusing on Jesus as the center of the big story. If your student was in Little Learners or Bible Explorers this morning, they received a coloring page and take-home sheet that corresponds to this lesson. You have also been given a full-color Big Picture Card that you can use to reinforce the lesson with your child, as well.

To reinforce what your kids are learning each week in Children’s Church, you can now access The Gospel Project At Home online. Each week in this email, there will be a link to follow to get this free resource which includes:

1. A guide to using the Gospel Project at Home.
2. Scripture to read and discuss with a recap video of the Bible Story (Preschool and/or Elementary).
3. Scripture memory verses and a song to sing together.
4. Prayer prompts and family activities that correspond to the lesson.

Please consider setting aside at least 10-15 minutes once a week for a family devotional time using this resource as a guide. We are hoping The Gospel Project At Home will help keep all of our LEFC kids “on the same page,” and feed their faith in Jesus.

This might be especially helpful if for some reason your child has to miss a week of Children’s Church. You can show them the Bible story video to keep them up to speed on what the other children are learning.

**Note: The first time you access the link, you will need to register a free account with Lifeway’s Ministry Grid. This will also provide you ongoing access through the “training” tab to many other discipleship resources including the Gospel Project at Home for previous weeks. Many hours of excellent things to absorb for free!