Henoc Lucien

Do Not Be Conformed to This World – 29 September 2019

Pastor Henoc Lucien, Vision of Hope Ministries, Haiti, joins us today to share his thoughts on Romans 12. He reminds us that this world we live in is passing away. We need to keep our minds focused on eternal things that will never pass away. Pastor Henoc Lucien preaching on Romans 12. You can listen…

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Pastor Henoc Lucien – 17 April 2016

Pastor Henoc Lucien, our missionary with Vision of Hope Ministries – Haiti, joined us on Sunday and shared with us his thoughts on what being a Christian means. A Christian is loved by God. They are someone who has responded to the Gospel message. They are someone whose life has been changed. Are you a…

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Live With Wide Open Eyes! – 21 April 2013

“I don’t want to be blind!” Sometimes we get so caught up in our own circumstances that we need to ask God to open our eyes so we can see beyond ourselves. Satan wants to win the war! We need to pray – “Open my eyes so I can see.” Pastor Henoc Lucien shares with…

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Stay Plugged In – 19 April 2013

Pastor Henoc Lucien has been meeting needs through church planting in Haiti through Vision of Hope Ministries for 20 years. We were honored to have him as one of the speakers for the Allegheny District Conference on April 19-20 here at Lanse Free Church. On Friday Evening, we hosted an open worship session. During this…

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Guest Missionary Pastor Henoc Lucien – 15 Jan, 2012

Haiti Missionary Pastor Henoc Lucien Audio available at SermonCloud

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