LEFC Guide to Worship at Home – 27 September 2020
LEFC Guide to Worship
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Lanse Evangelical Free Church
From the Pastor
I’m so excited that tomorrow is our 2020 Celebration Sunday!
The weather forecast looks good, so we are “all-systems go” to gather out in the field at 9:30am. Don’t forget to dress appropriately for “tailgate” style worship and choose your seating section according to your comfort level. Because we will be outdoors, face protection is optional.
As you arrive, grab a worship guide from one of the tables (it will have all of the songs and readings in it) and take one of the pre-packaged communion cups to your seat before the worship time begins. During the service the kids (ages 3-3rd grade) will have a brief children’s church under the tent and then return to their families before the Lord’s Supper, closing song, and church family photo (by aerial drone!).
And what would Celebration Sunday be without cake?! When the worship time is over, the Hospitality Team has provided pre-packaged single-serve cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. Please make sure we don’t have any left over!
2020 has been a hard year for our church family, but the Lord has been faithful through it all. I’m glad that we get to set aside this time celebrate Him and “Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2).
I hope that everyone who can will come tomorrow morning. I look forward to seeing faces I have missed for half a year or more.
Whether staying at home or celebrating on campus, let’s make sure that every single one of us in this precious church family worships the Lord Jesus Christ.
In His Grip,
– Pastor Matt
P.S. Sing it with me, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
He has done great things, bless his holy name!”
Home Worship Guide
[We will resume providing the “Worship at Home” resources and having a Family Fellowship Meeting on Zoom again next weekend.]
Church Family News
Children’s Church
All children ages 3 – 3rd grade are invited to join us for Children’s Church during our worship service. Parents: When indicated in the service, please take your children over to the tent. Your children will return to you before Communion. Be ready to receive them when we sing the Doxology.
Red Cross Blood Drive
On Tuesday we will be hosting a blood drive here at the church for the American Red Cross. Blood supplies remain low due to the increased precautions needed to ensure donor health. If you or someone you know can give blood, please sign up to donate. Volunteers are needed to help with an initial temperature screening, donor check in, and canteen staff to offer snacks. If you can help work the drive, please contact Marilynn in the office. Thank you.
On-Campus Prayer Meeting
Join us Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall for a brief Bible study, praising God through song, and praying with other believers. Reminder: Because we are inside, masks or shields are required of all who attend. We will continue to send the Prayer Meeting at Home guide to anyone who requests it. Contact the church office to get this weekly email.
Missionary Christmas in September
Each year we collect a special offering aimed to bless the missionaries we support and give them some extra money to use in whatever way they like. Today is the last day to give for this special offering. There are envelopes in the foyer on the resources tables or you can place your gift in the offering plate marked “Christmas.”
Pavilion Fund
We have opened a designated giving fund for a picnic pavilion here at church. You can donate to this by marking your gift “pavilion” and placing it in the offering.
Compassion Walk
You are invited to join with other West Branch area churches next Sunday, October 4th, at 1 pm for the second annual West Branch Ministerium Compassion Walk. This ministry helps families in need with utility bills, and provides gas, food, and hotel stays for homeless and victims of domestic violence. Registration is at Palestine UMC and forms are located in the foyer. The walk is also being offered as a virtual event for those who are less comfortable gathering at this time. Can’t walk? Consider a donation for this vital ministry. Mark your gift “Walk” and drop it in the offering plate. See Marilynn Kristofits with questions or to get involved.
Sunday Morning Greeter Sign-Up
Do you like to say hi to people? Can you smile behind your mask? Be sure to stop in the foyer on your way out and sign up to greet for a service (or more!) in October and November.
Need Prayer?
Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at [email protected]. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by Pastor Matt. Please indicate if this is a private request (for Pastor Matt and the Elder Board) or public request for the prayer chain.
Continuing to Give
Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:
- Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.
- Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours (9:30-2:30 Tuesday – Friday) in the offering plate right inside the door.
- Online Payments – P2P (CNB), PayPal, and Venmo are all e-giving options. Our account address is our email: [email protected]. Contact Marilynn if you need any help navigating this way of giving.
Prayer Items
Contact the church office for this week’s prayer requests from the bulletin.
Lanse Free Church
255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500
Social Connections
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm
Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.