LEFC Guide to Worship – 26 July 2020

LEFC Guide to Worship

Sunday, July 26, 2020
Lanse Evangelical Free Church

From the Pastor

Dear Church Family,

Knowing Jesus–there is no greater thing! I’m glad we got to have a Family Bible Week this year even if it was so different than before just so we could focus on knowing Jesus more. This was a “back-to-basics” year, but that’s a good thing! Our church exists to bring people into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ, so we everything we do needs to be back to those basics.

I’m thankful for everyone who came on campus for the Kids’, Youth, and Adult’s nights, and especially the children’s ministries team who worked so hard to minister to the children. I’m also thankful for everyone who watched the daily devotional videos we put out on the seven “I AM __________” statements of Jesus from the Gospel of John. Can you name all seven?

Thank you for giving to our FBW Missions Project for Vision of Hope Ministries. I’m excited to hear what our final total is at the Family Fellowship Picnic after on-campus worship. I hope that Curtis Quick is soon licking peanut butter pie off of his chin!

For our FBW finale worship times, both on-campus and at-home, we are emphasizing God’s gift of the Bible to us and this year’s theme, “Knowing Jesus.” I’m extremely to grateful to belong to a church family and a family of churches who truly believe in the Word of God.

Everyone is invited to take part in the Family Fellowship Meeting on Zoom each Sunday evening at 6:30pm. We have invited a special guest all the way from Chad, Africa!

Heather and I are getting away this week for a much needed vacation. Please pray for us to experience rejuvenating rest. I hope to come back refreshed and ready to help shepherd our church family into the green pastures the Chief Shepherd has prepared for us.

While I’m away, you’re in for a few treats! My own pastor, Kerry Doyal, will be preaching next Sunday at all 3 of worship times (8:00, 9:30, 11:00). This will be Kerry and his wife Robin’s first Sunday morning visit to Lanse Free Church since he became our new district superintendent, but many of you know them already. They are a delightful couple whom I’m sure you will enjoy getting to know better. You also know the two new song leaders for next Sunday: Dalton Kristofits and Ben Schiefer. Don’t forget to reserve your seating section to join in.

Whether at home or on campus, let’s make sure that every single one of us in this precious church family worships the Lord Jesus Christ.

In His Grip,

– Pastor Matt

P.S. Did your family sing FBW songs this week?

Home Worship Guide

1. Welcome to Worship

Read Psalm 1 as your family gathers to worship.

**Option: Psalm 1 is very short but also very full of colorful word pictures. Families with small children may want to draw a picture of the things the psalm talks about especially the central image of a fruitful tree.

**Option: Families with older children may want to learn more about Psalm 1, the wisdom psalm that opens the psalter. Last year at Family Bible Week, Pastor Matt kicked off FBW with a sermon Psalm 1 entitled, “Winning in the Race of Life.

Have someone pray and ask God to bless your time of worship at home.

2. Worship in Singing

As a household sing “More About Jesus” by Eliza E. Hewitt (1887).  You Tube Video

**Option. Those worshiping on campus are also singing, “Peace Like a River,” “All My Ways Are Known to You,” “We Believe (Apostles’ Creed),” and “Jesus, Strong and Kind.” One or more of those songs may work better for your family.

**Option. Families with younger children may continue to sing “The Joy of the Lord” by Alliene G. Vale (1971) several weeks in a row. This song is based upon Nehemiah 8:10.

3. Worship in Unity

As a household, recite Article 2 of the EFCA Statement of Faith on The Bible:

“We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors. As the verbally inspired Word of God, the Bible is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by which every realm of human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore, it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.”

4. Worship in Lament and Thanksgiving

Share with each other the joys and the sorrows of the past seven days. What were the best parts of Family Bible Week 2020? What were the hardest parts?

5. Worship in Bible Memory

Recite our current “Hide the Word” memory verses, Philippians 4:4-6.

 “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” 

6. Worship in Prayer

Take prayer requests and pray for each other.

Read the prayer guide together and pray for the rest of the church family and the requests listed.

7. Worship in the Word

Watch or read Pastor Matt’s message: “The God of Peace.”

Facebook Video

YouTube Video

Read on Pastor Matt’s Blog

[The message will be available online by Sunday morning.]

Some families may want to watch/read the message on their own and then have a Bible study and discussion together during this time.

8. Worship in Singing

Sing “May the Mind of Christ, My Savior” by Kate B. Wilkison (1925).  YouTube Video

**Option: Today is the finale for Family Bible Week 2020. Families may spend some more time today singing some of the favorite worship songs from past years including “W-I-S-D-O-M,” “Awesome God,” “King of Kings,” and “Mighty, Mighty Savior.”

9. Worship All Week

Have someone pray a prayer of commissioning for your family as you end this time of gathered worship and face a week of new opportunities and new challenges to serve the Lord, the church, and the world in His Name.

 10. Participate in LEFC Family Fellowship Meeting on Zoom – 6:30pm on Sunday July 26.

Many of us are meeting through video-conference online this Sunday at 6:30pm:

  • See one another’s faces and hear each other’s voices.
  • Listen to announcements of church family news.
  • Interact with our missionary family located in Chad, Africa,
  • Kids, everybody is going to be ready to tell a “Bible-themed” joke of some kind. What joke are you going to tell?
  • Pray for one another live and online.

If you have any questions about how to do this, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Church Family News

Family Bible Week Missions Project – Haiti

Haiti continues to struggle financially in the wake of COVID-19. Vision of Hope Ministries is dedicated to carrying on the work that Pastor Henoc Lucien started nearly 30 years ago. This year’s FBW Mission Project is to raise money for all of the VOHM Minstries: school, orphanage, and churches. So far, we have raised $351 of our $500 goal through on-campus giving this week. You can help us meet our goal and give by including it in your normal Sunday offering and designate a portion of your gift “FBW.”

Zoom This Week

Join us Sunday at 6:30pm for our Church Family Fellowship on Zoom. This week we will visit with a special missionary family from Chad, Africa. Join us as we get an update on their ministries and spend some time praying together.

On-Campus Worship Gatherings

Be sure to let us know if you will be joining us next week. We have three gatherings for you to choose from (8:00, 9:30, and 11:00). Call the office to reserve your family seating section or register online through the links in your email.

Notes of Encouragement

Nate Kerlin and Regina Hayles are both currently at boot camp for the Army. If you need their address to send a note of encouragement to them, contact the church office.

Pastor Matt on Vacation

Pastor Matt will be on vacation this week. If you need any assistance, please contact one of the elders (Bob Gisewhite, Keith Folmar, Cody Crumrine, Todd Dobo, or Joel Michaels) or Marilynn during her limited office hours.

Office Hours This Week

Office hours this week are Monday- Wednesday 10:00-3:30pm. The office will be closed Thursday and Friday. If you need anything in the bulletin, please get it in before noon on Wednesday. Thank you!

Good News Cruise Detour to 2021

After prayerful deliberation, the GNC planning team has decided to cancel this year’s cruise-in due to COVID-19. Our regular event is too popular to be held safely this year. This month we are sending a letter explaining this to all previous registrants with a commemorative dash-plaque and a gospel presentation. Please continue to pray for spiritual fruit to come from this outreach. The next Good News Cruise has already been scheduled for August 21, 2021.

Clean Team

Our clean team could use extra hands to help clean the church, both in preparation for our 8am service and between our morning services. If you are willing and able to help, please contact Cindy Green.

Fellowship Tent Team

Are you willing to help with the tent? The tent is opened for Prayer Meeting and Sunday services. We only close the tent when there is a chance for high winds or rain. Each time it rains, we must open it again for services. Please sign up in the foyer by the mailboxes or contact Marilynn Kristofits in the office.

Greeting Team

We are looking for a few people willing to help greet and seat people on Sunday Mornings. You can greet people behind one of the tables and remind them to pick up their worship service supplies, or you can help find seats for everyone and dismiss them after services. Talk with Joel Michaels today to sign up to help.

Need Prayer?

Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at prayer@lansefree.org. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by Pastor Matt. Please indicate if this is a private request (for Pastor Matt and the Elder Board) or public request for the prayer chain.

Continuing to Give

Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:

  • Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.
  • Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours (9:30-2:30 Tuesday – Friday) in the offering plate right inside the door.
  • Online Payments – P2P (CNB), PayPal, and Venmo are all e-giving options. Our account address is our email: churchoffice@lansefree.org. Contact Marilynn if you need any help navigating this way of giving.

Prayer Items

Contact the Office to be sent these items.

More Links to Helpful Resources:

“Uncommon Brothers: Why God’s Men Need Good Men” by Marshall Segal

“The Glad Surrender” by Katie (Thompson) Faris

5 Reasons the Trinity Matters So Much by Kaitlin Miller

I. Packer (1926–2020) by Justin Taylor

“Knowing Jesus” Pastor Matt’s Family Bible Week 2020 Videos

Lanse Free Church

255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500

Social Connections

Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm

Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.