Lanse Link – April 7, 2024
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Church Family News
Communion Sunday
Today we will be passing communion plates for those partaking in the auditorium. There are pre-packaged communion elements for anyone, inside or outside, who would prefer to use them as we worship together at the Lord’s Table. We have a gluten free option for those with special dietary needs.
Welcome Tobi Magill
Tobi has been a missionary with us since 2017 through Ethnos 360. She was part of medical missions as a nurse in Papua New Guinea. Visit with her after service!
Church Family Meal & Meeting
Please join us after worship today for a time of food and fellowship at our church family meal and stay for our quarterly church family meeting. During the meeting, we will hear encouraging updates on ongoing projects and upcoming events, learn about exciting new ministry ideas, and receive more new members! See Church Chairman Keith Folmar with any questions.
Cemetery Care Bids
The Facilities Team is accepting bids to mow the cemetery in April through the end of September. You are responsible for providing your own gas and equipment. Hand in or email your bids to [email protected] by today. If you have any questions, contact George Leathers at (814) 496-5615.
Family Devotions Workshop
The Family Ministry Team is excited to announce a Family Devotions Workshop after church and Snack and Yack on April 21st. Come enjoy a free provided lunch and hear how your family could incorporate regular devotions into your routine. You’ll even have a chance to do a practice run with your family during that time! Childcare is available. RSVPs are helpful, although not required. Scan the QR code on the back table or use the sign-up sheet to indicate interest. See Jordyn, Holly, or Vicky with questions!
Facilities Team Meeting
There will be a facilities team meeting held on Tuesday, April 9th at 7:00pm at LEFC. Please see George Leathers if you have any questions.
Malawi Mission Team Fundraiser
The Malawi Mission Team will be conducting a “Troy’s Philadelphia-Style Hoagie” fundraiser to bless the ministry of Community Impact during their trip. The last day to order will be Sunday, April 28th. The hoagies will be delivered on Monday, May 6th at the church. Those interested should see Keith Hurley, Steph Quick, or Mary Beth Moslak.
Save the Date – Family Bible Week
Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for Family Bible Week July 22nd -July 25th, and July 28th.
Men’s Breakfast & Fellowship
On Saturday, April 20th at 8:00am in the fellowship hall at LEFC a men’s breakfast will be held. All men are invited to come out, bring something to share for breakfast and enjoy some time with men sharing. Please see Keith Folmar or John Forcey for more information.
West Branch Ministerium Scholarship
The H. Lee Hebel Memorial Scholarship is an annual scholarship given to a high school graduate or those pursuing a second career, and will, in the next 9 months, be enrolled in college, seminary, or Bible school. They should be pursuing full time Christian service, including pastoral ministry, counseling, youth ministry, or teaching in a Christian school. Applications should be postmarked by May 1st and can be found in the foyer on the Community Bulletin Board.
Giving Opportunities
Designated giving funds are open for Challenge Conference, Malawi trip, summer camp, deaconess compassion fund to help those in need within our church family, and a future pavilion for the Ark Park here at the church. Please mark your gifts and drop them in the offering plate.
Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. The offering plates are available at the back of the auditorium. Gifts can also be mailed to the church or given electronically through your bank’s bill pay program or through online platforms: PayPal and Venmo. Our account address is [email protected]. Questions? Contact Jenni English.
Snack and Yack
There is NO Snack and Yack today. It will resume next Sunday with leaders Cody & Holly Crumrine.
Ladies’ Fellowship Hour
Ladies, join us Wednesday, April 10th at 10:30am for a time of fellowship with one another, praying for one another and missionaries, reading Scripture, and enjoying occasional snacks. All ladies are invited to attend.
Join Us at Prayer Meeting
Each Wednesday at 7:00pm, a group of Christians meet to pray and to study God’s Word in the Prayer Room. We are going through a study of the book of Psalms. Nobody is put on the spot to pray out loud, but all are encouraged to attend and help lift up the needs of our church, community, nation, and world.
Community Group
The community group meets Sunday evenings at 7:00pm in the Skacel home for fellowship and Bible study. People of all ages are welcome (including kids!). See Abe or Jordyn Skacel if you want to check it out!
Explore the Bible at Home
Many adults in our church are utilizing the Explore the Bible resources to dig deeper into God’s Word. Pick up your free copy of Genesis 20-50 and join as we study this week with Session 6: Blessed. The Spring quarter resources are available in the foyer.
This Week in Kids Bible Class
What is the church? The church is all Christians everywhere. Today, the Little Learners and Bible Explorers will be studying Acts 9 learning about how Peter Performed Miracles. Resources for family worship centered on this lesson are available through the link you will receive in “The Family Table” email arriving this afternoon. For more information about this week’s lesson, check out The Gospel Project Big Picture Card for Volume 11, Unit 32, Session 1 which your family received in your mailbox.
Opportunities for Service
Become a part of our ministries! To get started serving in our church, contact the following people: Attendance (Jenni English), Coffee Ministry (Cody & Holly Crumrine), Kids Bible Classes (Vicky Albert), Nursery (Becky Schiefer), Greeting Ministry (Jordyn Skacel & Haylee Simler), Prayer Corners (Jenni English), and Worship Team (Pastor Matt Mitchell).Sermon Publications
Missed a Sunday? You can read, listen to, or watch the message online in multiple ways throughout the week (YouTube, Facebook, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pastor Matt’s blog, or the LEFC website [audio, video]). Audio CDs are also available in the foyer under the community bulletin board. Need help subscribing or finding a particular sermon? See Misty Michaels.
Email Subscriptions
We want everyone to know what is happening at LEFC! Are you on the “All Church Notifications” email list to get key announcements such as cancelations and other schedule changes? Subscribers also receive “The Lanse Link,” our weekly news bulletin. In addition, parents can subscribe to “The Family Table,” a Sunday newsletter filled with useful resources for family discipleship. Subscribe on the church website or send your email address to the church office and we will add you to the list.
Continue to Give
Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:
Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.
- Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours in the offering plate right inside the office door.
- E-banking – Check with your financial institution about using their bill pay programs to have the bank send us a check directly at no cost.
- Online Payments – PayPal and Venmo are our current e-giving options. Our account address is our email: [email protected].
Prayer Items
Need Prayer?
Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at [email protected]. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by Pastor Matt. Please indicate if this is a private request (for Pastor Matt and the Elder Board) or public request for the prayer chain.
Contact the church office for this week’s prayer requests from the bulletin.
Lanse Free Church
255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500
Social Connections
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm
Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.