Lanse Link – 17 October 2021
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Lanse Evangelical Free Church
Church Family News
Our Missionary Guest
Living Hope Wellness Centers (Formerly Crossroads/NxtGen) joins us today to share how God has been guiding and changing their missions focus the past few years. Be sure to stop by and visit with them more after the service today.
Youth Night
All JH/SH school kids and parents are invited to youth night! Join us Sunday, November 7 at 6:30 pm. We will snack on pizza, play some games, hear from Royal Servants. Let’s get together, reconnect, and get on mission to reach our friends and world with the good news about Jesus!
Ministry of Meals
Our Deaconess Team is looking for people willing to be a part of our meal ministry – blessing families with dinner delivered to their home when they have a significant life change or illness. If you would like to be a part of this ministry opportunity, please fill out the back of the RSVP slip for the Fall Fellowship meal. Drop them off in the offering plate or the basket by the office. Thanks!
Church Family Budget Meeting
The annual budget meeting will be held Tuesday, November 9th at 6:00pm. All interested people are invited to join the Elder Board and help make the budget plans for 2022. Leaders of ministries and committees who use church funds are asked to bring or send along their ministry’s needs and recommendations to this meeting. See Keith Folmar if you have any questions.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Blood levels are critically low, with only about ½ day supply. On Tuesday, October 26th, our church will host the Morrisdale Community Blood Drive from 1:00-6:30pm. If you are eligible to donate, consider making an appointment to meet the critical need for blood. We are also looking for another person or two willing to work this drive in the canteen. We will happily accept donations of cookies to use in our drive as well. Questions? See Marilynn Kristofits.
Pastor Appreciation & Vacation
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Remember to thank Pastor Matt & Heather for their hard work, sacrificial dedication, and multiple blessings they have provided to us by serving our Lord here at LEFC. As our gift of appreciation to Pastor Matt & Heather, we are sending them to the Allegheny District Pastors and Wives retreat October 22-24. Pastor Matt will be on vacation all this week. He will return Tuesday October 26th. If you need any assistance this week, contact a member of our elder board. Thanks!
LEFC Book Club
We are reading Dane Ortlund’s book, Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers together as a church. A couple of book club groups are forming already. Abe & Jordyn Skacel are organizing a group which will possibly meet in their home. Contact Abe. John Forcey is looking to lead a small group over Zoom. Get in touch with him for more details. What about you? The church has small group discussion guides and video resources available to aid in discussion groups. Talk with Pastor Matt to find out more about these resources.
Membership Seminar
Are you interested in learning what it means to be a member at LEFC? Pastor Matt has scheduled a membership seminar for Saturday, October 30th from 9:00 – 11:30am. Would you like to learn more about going deeper into living out Romans 12? Talk with Pastor Matt today about taking part in this seminar.
Follow the Lord in Water Baptism
We are planning for more baptisms again this Winter. If you would like to learn more about what it means to follow Christ in water baptism, talk to Pastor Matt for options that fit your schedule. Classes will be set up to meet your scheduling needs.
Backup Custodial Need
The Elder Board is looking for interested people to assist with keeping our church ready for weekly services if Cindy Green is sick or wanting to take a vacation. Would you be willing to be trained to be a backup custodian here at the church? Talk with Cindy if you have questions about the work and then see Keith Folmar.
Operation Christmas Child
Our church will once again participate in Operation Christmas Child, sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse. If you feel led to pack a shoebox for a child, take one of the boxes in the foyer and fill it up. Parents: Check out the coloring page that can be included in your box. Consider using this as part of the box you fill. The shoeboxes need to be returned to the church by Wednesday, November 10th or Sunday, November 14th. Please bring any extra items that don’t fit in your shoeboxes as often we need an item or two to fill out other boxes. Each box will cost $9 to ship. If you are interested in sponsoring one or more of the shoeboxes we hope to send, mark your donation “Shoeboxes.”
Missionary Prayer Support
Each year we update our missionary prayer support list. Do you want to be a part of supporting our missionaries through prayer all year long? Sign up using the purple insert in your bulletin. Drop them in the box outside of the office. Thanks!
Explore the Bible at Home
Many adults in our church are utilizing the Explore the Bible resources to dig deeper into God’s word using Explore the Bible: Philippians; Colossians; Philemon. Pick up your free copy today and complete Session 7: The Gospel’s Power this week.
All Church Notification Email List
Do you receive our weekly news bulletin (Lanse Link) and special notifications from the church? We use this list to keep you up to date on any special announcements and changes to our regular worship service. To be added, send your email address to the church office ([email protected]) and Marilynn will include you.
Need Prayer?
Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at [email protected]. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by Pastor Matt. Please indicate if this is a private request (for Pastor Matt and the Elder Board) or public request for the prayer chain. Want to join this list? Send an email to [email protected] and we will add you.
Designated Giving
Designated giving funds are open for OCC Shoeboxes and a future picnic pavilion. Mark your gift “Pavilion” or “Shoeboxes” and place it in the offering plate.
Continuing to Give
Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:
- Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.
- Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours in the offering plate right inside the office door.
- E-banking – Check with your financial institution about using their bill pay programs to have the bank send us a check directly at no cost.
- Online Payments – PayPal and Venmo are our current e-giving options. Our account address is our email: [email protected].
Prayer Items
Lanse Free Church
255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500
Social Connections
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm
Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.