Lanse Link – 17 December 2023

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Church Family News

Annual Business Meeting

Our Annual Business Meeting will be held today immediately following our service. Mark your calendars and plan to stay for this brief meeting. We will present new members to receive and a new slate of officers and budget for approval. A copy of next year’s proposed budget and nominations are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.

Christmas Caroling

Join us this afternoon at 3:00pm for Christmas Caroling! We will gather on campus and practice a few favorite songs before caravanning throughout our community to brighten the holiday season of some of our church families. Talk with Pastor Matt for more information.

Christmas Carols by Request

On Sunday, December 24th, we will be taking hymns by request once again during our Worship in Singing time. Be sure to have your request and the reason it is special to you ready to share as we lift our voices together.

Be Part of Our Christmas Eve Service

Our worship planning team is seeking people to help with our Christmas Eve Candlelight services. We are looking for ushers, musicians, special music offerings, drama presentations, readings, etc. See Pastor Matt if you are interested in participating in our 7:00pm service.

Christmas Eve Sunday Morning Refreshments

Refreshments on Next Sunday morning will be provided by all the wonderful bakers in the church.  Please bring your cookies, breads, and finger foods ready to share by 9:15am in the foyer. The Hospitality Team will provide coffee, tea, juice and all the napkins and plates. Any questions, contact Linda Carlson, 814-592-7975.

Christmas Poinsettias

If you are interested in purchasing a poinsettia in memory of a loved one to decorate the church for Christmas, please see Art & Sharon Folmar.

Mitchell Christmas Gift

Each year we open a fund for our Pastor’s Christmas Gift. If you would like to give a gift of appreciation for the Pastor’s Christmas Gift, please mark your check or envelope “Pastor Christmas.” Offerings will be collected through today.

There’s Music In The Air !

O The Bible Explorers Kids Bible Class will be sharing their HANDBELL number December 24 during the 7:00pm Christmas Eve Service. All KBC Kids in Grades 1-3 are welcome and encouraged to participate. Kids need to meet in the Bible Explorer Classroom at 6:45pm for a quick practice. We hope to see you there!

Directory Updates

Bob & Sylvia Gisewhite have moved to 590 Old Turnpike Road, Allport, PA 16821. Bob’s number is still 814.762.1000.

Lois Owens has moved to Colonial Courtyard. Send her a card or visit at 5546 E Pleasant Valley Blvd, Tyrone, PA 16686.

Scott and Karen Mullen’s phone numbers should be 814.592.6446 (Karen) and 814.592.4515 (Scott). Please correct in your directory. Thank you!

Susan Denochick’s phone number is 814.345.6786 and her address is 376 Cemetery Road, Morrisdale, PA 16858. Please add her to your directory.

Directory Information Needed

It’s time to update the LEFC Directory for 2024. If you would like added or if you need your current information/picture updated, there will be a link sent out and forms printed to fill out within the next few weeks. Please email all photos to [email protected]. Feel free to see Jenni English.

Snow Removal Signup

Our Facilities Team is looking for a few individuals to help maintain our walkways during the winter months. Are you able to help with removing snow and salting the sidewalks Sunday mornings here at the church this winter? Sign up in the foyer. Questions? See George Leathers.

Red Cross Blood Drive

On Tuesday, January 2nd, our church will host the Morrisdale Community Blood Drive from 12:30-6:00pm. If you are eligible to donate, consider making an appointment at

Wild Game Dinner – Team Members Needed

We would like to have another Wild Game Dinner next year on March 16th. Abe Skacel is looking for some people to help him lead this outreach. Talk to Abe soon so that he can gauge interest. And, hunters, save some meat from this year’s harvest to share.

Open Staff Position

We are searching for a Director of Family Ministry (part-time, salaried) to lead our ministries to children, youth, and parents. The job description for this new ministry position is available in the foyer. To apply, please send a resume and a letter of application to Pastor Matt.

Snack and Yack

There will be no “Snack n’ Yack” meetings December 17th or 24th. It will resume on December 31st .

Ladies’ Fellowship Hour

There will be no Ladies’ Fellowship Hour December 20th and 27th. The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 3rd at 10:30am.

Community Group

The community group meets Sunday evenings at 7pm in the Skacel home for fellowship and Bible study. People of all ages are welcome (including kids!). See Abe or Jordyn Skacel if you want to check it out!

Join Us at Prayer Meeting

Each Wednesday at 7:00pm, a group of Christians meet to pray and to study God’s Word in the Prayer Room. Nobody is put on the spot to pray out loud, but all are encouraged to attend and help lift up the needs of our church, community, nation, and world.

This Week in Kids Bible Class

How do we know that God wants us to know Him? We can know that God wants us to know Him because He has revealed Himself through His Word.  Today, the Little Learners and Bible Explorers will be studying John 21 learning about how Jesus forgave Peter. Resources for family worship centered on this lesson are available through the link you will receive in “The Family Table” email arriving this afternoon. For more information about this week’s lesson, check out The Gospel Project Big Picture Card for Volume 10, Unit 28, Session 3 which your family received in your mailbox.

Explore the Bible at Home

Many adults in our church are utilizing the Explore the Bible resources to dig deeper into God’s word. Pick up your free copy of Genesis 1-19  and join as we study this week with Session 3: The First Sin. The Winter quarter resources are now available in the foyer.

Giving Opportunities

Designated giving funds are open for deaconess compassion fund to help those in need within our church family, and a future pavilion here at the church. Please mark your gifts and drop them in the offering plate.

Sermon Publications

Missed a Sunday? You can read, listen to, or watch the message online in multiple ways throughout the week (YouTubeFacebookApple Podcast, SpotifyPastor Matt’s blog, or the LEFC website [audiovideo]). Audio CDs are also available in the foyer under the community bulletin board. Need help subscribing or finding a particular sermon? See Misty Michaels.

Email Subscriptions

We want everyone to know what is happening at LEFC! Are you on the “All Church Notifications” email list to get key announcements such as cancelations and other schedule changes? Subscribers also receive “The Lanse Link,” our weekly news bulletin. In addition, parents can subscribe to “The Family Table,” a Sunday newsletter filled with useful resources for family discipleship. Subscribe on the church website or send your email address to the church office and we will add you to the list.

Continue to Give

Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:

Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.

  • Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours in the offering plate right inside the  office door.
  • E-banking – Check with your financial institution about using their bill pay programs to have the bank send us a check directly at no cost.
  • Online Payments – PayPal and Venmo are our current e-giving options. Our account address is our email: [email protected].

Prayer Items

Need Prayer?

Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at [email protected]. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by Pastor Matt. Please indicate if this is a private request (for Pastor Matt and the Elder Board) or public request for the prayer chain.

Contact the church office for this week’s prayer requests from the bulletin.

Lanse Free Church

255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500

Social Connections

Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm

Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.