Lanse Link – 15 August 2021
Lanse Link
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Lanse Evangelical Free Church
Church Family News
Brief GNC Meeting
Join us immediately after church today for a short meeting in the auditorium to go over the preparation plans for our outreach event on Saturday.
Canopies & Coolers
We are looking for a bunch of canopies and coolers to use at our outreach event on Saturday. Sign up in the foyer if you can help meet this need.
GNC Photographer Needed
Our Good News Cruise 2021 is Saturday, and we still need a photographer. Each year we take a picture of the drivers and their cars. We then send them a 5×7 picture and a follow up letter inviting them to join us for worship. See Keith if you can help.
Special Missionary Guest
Adam Bailey, our newest missionary, will be visiting our church next weekend to share about his ministry to Tokyo, Japan. He will have a table at the Good News Cruise on Saturday and tell us more about his calling to the missions filed on Sunday during the worship celebration. Please plan now to spend some time getting to know Adam and learn about what the lord is doing in and through him this weekend.
Church Family Pizza Party & Meeting
Our next church family meal is just around to corner! Join us on August 29th after our service for a pizza party! Sign up in the foyer by Wednesday, August 25th so we know how much pizza to order. Then stay for a brief business meeting after the meal.
All Church Notification List
Do you receive our weekly news bulletin (Lanse Link) and special notifications from the church? We use this list to keep you up to date on any special announcements and changes to our regular worship service. To be added, send your email address to the church office ([email protected]) and Marilynn will include you.
Every Believer Confident
Are you ready to face the challenges to the Christian faith that arise all around us? On September 11th, you can gain the confidence to defend and share your faith confidently. The “Every Believer Confident” conference is coming to First Baptist Church in Clearfield PA. More information can be found in the foyer.
Heading Off to College?
As you get your housing information, be sure to pass your address along to the church office so that our church family can be an encouragement to you this school year.
Our Daily Bread
The latest edition of Our Daily Bread for September, October, and November is now available on the small table just outside the office or by the Community Bulletin Board in the foyer. Grab yours today.
Explore the Bible at Home
Many adults in our church are utilizing the Explore the Bible resources to dig deeper into God’s word. Pick up your free copy of Explore the Bible: Job; Ecclesiastes. and complete Session 11: Where Is the Balance? The Fall books have just arrived. Explore the Bible: Philippians; Colossians; Philemon is available for pick up in the foyer. Pick up your free copy before September 5th and join others as they study at home.
Follow the Lord in Water Baptism
We are planning a baptism service for August/September. If you would like to learn more about what it means to follow Christ in water baptism, talk to Pastor Matt for options that fit your schedule. Classes will be set up to meet your scheduling needs.
Family Fridays @ CSA
Christian Servant Academy will be pausing Family Friday outreach to focus on the start of the school year. We will inform you once we hear they will begin again.
Designated Giving
Thank you for your generous giving. Two designated giving funds remain open here at church. To give to a future picnic pavilion, mark your gift “Pavilion” and to give to the rebuilding efforts following the fire at Miracle Mountain Ranch’s Fort Wilderness, mark your gift “MMR Fire.”
Need Prayer?
Our church and our pastor love to pray for you. If you have a need for prayer, you can email us at [email protected]. All emails being sent to this address will be seen by an elder during Pastor Matt’s vacation. Please indicate if this is a private request for the Elder Board or public request for sharing on Sunday. We will resume sending out prayer emails once Marilynn returns from vacation.
Continuing to Give
Thank you for continuing to support our ministries and missionaries. Ways to give:
- Mail your offering check to us at PO BOX 114, Lanse, PA 16849.
- Cash or Check in person. Drop off your offering at the church during office hours in the offering plate right inside the office door.
- E-banking – Check with your financial institution about using their bill pay programs to have the bank send us a check directly at no cost.
- Online Payments – PayPal and Venmo are our current e-giving options. Our account address is our email: [email protected].
Prayer Items
Lanse Free Church
255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500
Social Connections
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm
Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM.