“I Write To You Because….” 2 December, 2012
As we continue to work our way through 1 John, Pastor Matt encourages us that the words of 1 John were written not to bury the reader, but to bless them! They are highly encouraging words because John believes in those whom he is writing to.
“I write to you because…”
1. Your sins are forgiven!
2. You know God!
3. You have overcome the evil one!
We invite you to visit Pastor Matt’s blog to read this next message in the series Essential Christianity as the audio failed to record for this message.
Copy and paste the following link into your browser:
Lanse Free Church
255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500
Social Connections
Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am
Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm
Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM. Outdoor seating also available.