Everywhere – 30 September 2018

We are taking a break from our current sermon series this week to chew on a proverb. A proverb is a special kind of biblical writing. It isn’t like other kinds of writing in the Bible. It’s not like an epistle. It’s not like Law or History or a Psalm or a Gospel. A proverb is its own thing. It is a short statement of wisdom, a pithy saying in just a few lines, often just one two-lined sentence, that gives wisdom for living skillfully in God’s world.

A proverb is a short saying that is meant to make a person think about biblical living in the world that God rules. And here’s a real key to reading and understanding and using the Proverbs: Treat them like a piece of gum. Take some time and chew on it.

Pastor Matt preaching on Proverbs 15:3.

Full manuscript available at Pastor Matt’s blog.

You can listen here or “Right-Click” and “Save-as” to download the sermon:

Lanse Free Church

255 Cotohisc Road
Lanse, PA 16849
Phone: 814.345.6500

Social Connections

Worship Service: Sunday, 10:00am

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, 7:00pm

Broadcasting to the parking lot on 89.5FM. Outdoor seating also available.