
Gideon: The Mighty Warrior (Part 1) – 1 July, 2012

After the high point of the judges in chapter 5 last week, we now encounter Gideon, a much more hesitant and flawed leader. Should we test God with fleeces of faith? Do we need an army to defend us when God says He will? Pastor Matt, preaching on Judges 6:1-7:25 Sermon #5 in the series,…

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Run to the Battle: Shamgar, Deborah, Barak, & Jael – 24 June, 2012

Listen as Pastor Matt introduces us to 4 of the best judges we’ll encounter. When God tells us to run to the battle, do we wholeheartedly obey, like Shamgar and Deborah? Or hesitate, like Barak? Pastor Matt Mitchell, preaching on Judges 3:31-5:31. Sermon #4 in the series, “Downward Spiral: The Message of Judges” Full manuscript…

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No Matter What – 17 June, 2012

This week, Pastor Matt takes a brief aside from our series on Judges to talk about Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego. They defy the command from the king to serve another god because of their faith and knowledge of who the real God is. Pastor Matt Mitchell, preaching on Daniel 3:1-30. Full manuscript available at Pastor…

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Ehud – 10 June, 2012

Continuing the series, “Downward Spiral: The Message of Judges,” Pastor Matt teaches about Ehud, the left-handed judge. Whether his left-handedness was considered a physical handicap or was an intentional misdirection, God uses it to save his people from yet another cycle of disobedience and the ensuing 18 years of slavery. Pastor Matt Mitchell, preaching on…

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Israel’s Downward Spiral – 3 June, 2012

Pastor Matt Mitchell Judges 2:6-3:11 Sermon #2 in the series, “Downward Spiral: The Book of Judges” Full manuscript available at Pastor Matt’s blog. > Click on the link below to download the audio file: Israel's Downward Spiral – 3 June, 2012

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