Last Sunday, Pastor Matt talked about the difficulties of “Bad Words” in today’s culture. This week, he looks at “Good Words” that are often under-used and under-appreciated. When these words are spoken, at the right time and in the right way, amazing things happen. Listen as Pastor Matt presents 4 phrases, which when used properly,…
Continue Reading...It is hard to preach on ‘bad words’ these days. Everyone everywhere seems to speak them, and the internet and social media have just made it worse. It is now socially acceptable to use bad words, and many people do not even realize how degraded their speech has become. In this next installment in our…
Continue Reading...This next installment in our series “the Tongue of the Wise,” teaches us that we should praise our moms. What occurs on Mothers’ Day is right and has biblical reasoning. Praise your mom because: God Says to, Women Need the Truth, She Has Earned it, and Praising Her Brings Praise to Her God. Pastor Matt…
Continue Reading...Continuing with part two of our grumbling message, Pastor Matt uses Numbers 11 to teach us some important truths about complaining. God takes grumbling and rebellious complaining seriously because God is Holy. But the problem with complaining is not just that God is holy, so we shouldn’t grumble, but that God is generous so we…
Continue Reading...Continuing with our new series, “The Tongue of the Wise,” Pastor Matt shows us three things about God to remind ourselves when we are tempted to grumble. He unravels three reasons why we shouldn’t give in to grumbling. If we can get these reasons engraved on our hearts, we can gain some victory over grumbling.…
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