
Hey Adam, Put Some Clothes On! – 6 July 2014

Steve Sorenson joins us to share his thoughts on Genesis 3. He starts off by asking this question: If Eve was the one who took the fruit, why do we call the original sin Adam’s sin and not Eve’s sin? Steve moves on to show us the reaction of man to the first sin and…

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Filled With Glory – 29 June 2014

Ephesians is letter written by the apostle Paul. Most of Paul’s letters are written to a specific church or individual, but Ephesians, even though it’s addressed to the church in Ephesus, is written with a very global scope. This is very much a letter to all Christians everywhere. It’s a letter for us. Cody Crumrine…

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The Return of the King – 22 June 2014

The final part of the story of Absalom’s conspiracy concludes with the story of David’s return to the city of David. One might think with Absalom dead, that King David would have logically been re-accepted as king over the people. This was not the case. The tribes were squabbling like siblings often do. Pastor Matt…

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O Absalom, My Son, My Son! – 15 June 2014

We pick up where we left off last week in the story of Absalom’s conspiracy. This week’s story is a profoundly sad story from a father’s perspective. But we have to remember that the Bible is a revelation of who God is and what God is up to in our world. The Bible is all…

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Absalom’s Conspiracy – 8 June 2014

Returning to our study of 2 Samuel, and for the next three weeks we will be studying the story of Absalom’s conspiracy. This week we see David having to flee his city as his son takes over his kingship. Through this story we learn to Trust in God’s Wisdom, Ask for God’s Aid, Accept God’s…

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