
Learning From the Heart of King David – 10 August 2014

This is the final message in our series, The Lord Is My Rock: The Message of 2 Samuel. As we have walked through this chapter, we have been focusing on what David saw in God, what he delighted to know about His Lord. This week we take one final and long look at the heart…

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Experiencing Unity In the Lord – 3 August 2014

Pastor Tim McGill, missionary with Athletes In Action – Penn State University, shared his thoughts on how we can experience unity in the Lord. Our strength and effective witness is based on our unity, it is experienced through our humility. Our humility is understood through the life of Christ. Pastor Tim encouraged us to examine…

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My Lord and My God! – 27 July 2014

Our Family Bible Week adult class has been learning all about what a gospel is. There are four gospels in the Bible, and the gospels are like biographies of Jesus Christ, but they are unlike any other biographies of any other person in history. Almost all other biographies don’t spend between 25% and 50% of…

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Worthy of Praise – 20 July 2014

We are nearing the end of our walk through 2 Samuel: A part of the book that seems to be out of place. The next few chapters are not a chronological recounting of history like the rest of 2 Samuel has been. They don’t carry on the story of David. But they aren’t just a…

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Restored – 13 July 2014

Last week, 3 adults and 7 teens headed off to the EFCA’s Challenge Conference. On Sunday, they shared a bit about the conference. This link will stream an audio of the report: Challenge Conference Report   The video mentioned at the end of the report is here: Pastor Matt then spoke briefly on the overall…

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