Earlier in this series, All Roads Lead To Romans, we pondered the bad news. That God’s wrath will be satisfied. This week, we ponder some of the good news: Because of the gospel, God is for us!. Because he is for us, nothing will beat us and everything will be given to us. Though at…
Continue Reading...Returning to the great 8, we spend some time this week pondering what We Know. We know that all things will be worked to our good, and We know that we will be remade to be like Jesus. In light of this: First, Rejoice in what you know. Second, Trust in what you know. Third,…
Continue Reading...We continue our journey through the great 8: Romans 8. This week we focus on the spirit of sonship. The spirit of sonship assures you that you belong. Rest & Rejoice. The spirit of sonship assures you that you will inherit. Wait and Hope. The spirit of sonship assures you that you have help. Trust…
Continue Reading...A lot of chapter 8 is dedicated to the work of the Holy Spirit and we are going to begin to see this in today’s message. We are going to see that in the life of the believer, the Spirit is in us. So what difference does that make in our lives? If the Spirit…
Continue Reading...Most people consider Romans 8 to be the pinnacle of Romans. Some like to call it “The Great Eight” because of the amazing truth that this chapter contains in such memorable phrases and sentences and arguments. This week, we look at just the first 4 verses and can simplify it by saying this:There is no…
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