Last week, the story ended with the Lord, through the prophet Elisha, providing a feast to the enemies of Israel whom He had captured through His supernatural power. We went into the Thanksgiving season reminded that God shows amazing grace even to His enemies. What should we do in return? Believe God’s (almost inconceivable) Good…
Continue Reading...Our message for today is a good one for the Thanksgiving holiday. It is all about seeing things that are easily missed. Lord, Open our eyes to see that: you care about our (little) big deals, that you are up to so many things we are not aware of, and that you want us to…
Continue Reading...Yahweh is the God of 1 Kings, and He is the same God in 2 Kings. He’s the same God forever. He’s a God of Wonders. He’s is compassionate and powerful and generous.Even though Israel’s kings have been dismal failures, two thumbs down, God has continued to graciously care for His people through His wonder-working…
Continue Reading...Allegheny District Superintendent Pastor Jeff Powell joined us Sunday to share three things the wold should see in us as we live in the gospel. Be encouraged by this message! Pastor Jeff Powell preaching on Philippians 4:1-9. Listen here or “Right-Click” and “Save-as” to download the sermon: Life In the Gospel – 6 November 2016…
Continue Reading...You may have noticed that the amount of miracles in this book has been increasing. One reason may be to show that God is still powerfully and compassionately at work even when He is disciplining His people. Even when the current events of Kings is so bleak, God is still there. The God of Wonders…
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