It is not easy to live faithful to Christ in this world today. We must stay persistent in our prayers and faith. Don’t lose hope. Keep praying. Watch and wait for the return of Christ. When Christ returns, what will He find? Faith like a widow – never quitting, always hoping. Pastor Zeke Pipher preaching…
Continue Reading...LEFC turns 125 years old this year. To mark this 125th year, Pastor Matt will preach a special set of sermons, over the course of the whole year, that revisit and reflect and reconnect with the core values that have under-girded and shaped our church for the last 125 years. This series is called “Gospel…
Continue Reading...We have reached the final message in our series called “The King of Kings in the Books of Kings.” There is a broken record playing throughout the Books of Kings and the song is not, for the most part, a happy one. This book is, after all, a tragedy. Today, we’re going to read the…
Continue Reading...This is our 29th message in this series tracking through the Books of the Kings of Israel and Judah and next week, Lord-willing, will be our 30th and last. We’ve been calling the series, “The King of Kings in the Books of Kings” because even as we’ve learned a lot about Old Testament history, we’ve…
Continue Reading...As we continue our journey though he books of Kings, we once again turn to the Southern kingdom of Judah. THrough this story we learn that You Alone, O Lord, Are God: 1. Who Desires Our Faithfulness, 2. Who Brooks No Rivals, and 3. Who Rescues His People. Pastor Matt preaching on 2 Kings 18:1…
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