Pastor Matt was away this week at the EFCA Theology Conference. Abe Skacel, our missionary with Cru – Penn State shares with us his thoughts on Titus 2:11-14 and the lessons about grace for today. Abe Skacel preaching on Titus 2:11-14 Listen here or “Right-Click” and “Save-as” to download the sermon: Between Grace and Glory_…
Continue Reading...The title of this message is “Following Jesus” which is what it’s all about. Jesus calls His first full time followers, and by the end of the chapter, He has crowds and crowds of followers. Following Jesus is what it’s all about. And that’s what our church is all about. We are all about bringing…
Continue Reading...We are just a few steps into our journey through this theological biography of Jesus Christ called “The Gospel of Matthew.” We’re looking at a familiar story today, “The Temptation of Jesus.” Not that this is the only time that Jesus was ever tempted, but this is the big test right before He begins His…
Continue Reading...We are just a few steps into our journey through this theological biography of Jesus Christ called “The Gospel of Matthew.” So far in chapters 1 and 2, we’re read about the genealogy of Jesus, the birth of Jesus, and the search for Jesus after he was born (by both the Gentile Magi and the…
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