Our sermon series is called, “Following Jesus” because that’s what we’re learning to do in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew is a theological biography of the most compelling Person in history–the Person of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ has called us to follow Him and fish for more followers. This week we look at a…
Continue Reading...Our sermon series is called, “Following Jesus” because that’s what we’re learning to do in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew is a theological biography of the most compelling Person in history–the Person of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ has called us to follow Him and fish for more followers. Matthew tells us that Jesus finishes…
Continue Reading...Our sermon series is called, “Following Jesus” because that’s what we’re learning to do in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew is a theological biography of the most compelling Person in history–the Person of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ has called us to follow Him and fish for more followers. In this section of Matthew, we’re…
Continue Reading...Taking a break from our current sermon series, we ponder the birth of Christ and the theme of Great Joy. Great Joy Right Now. Great Joy Someday Soon. Pastor Matt preaching on Luke 2:10. Full manuscript available at Pastor Matt’s blog. You can listen here or “Right-Click” and “Save-as” to download the sermon: Great Joy –…
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