The Gospel of Matthew is a theological biography of the most compelling Person has ever lived, the Lord Jesus Christ. As we’ve studied it together these last two years, we have kept our eyes on the ball and learned about Who Jesus really is and what that means for us as His followers. In today’s passage,…
Continue Reading...While Pastor Matt is away this week, Abraham Skacel, Cru missionary at Penn State, joins us and shares his thoughts on what we should do when we find ourselves in the slimy pit. He reminds us to remember how God has delivered us, to wait patiently for God to deliver again, and rejoice and be…
Continue Reading...While Pastor Matt is away this week, Jim Panaggio, our missionary in Latin America, joins us and shares his thoughts on this age and how we are made in His image. He reminds us to not let our lives be determined by the world around us. We need to understand our true relationship to this…
Continue Reading...Yesterday we hosted our Good News Cruise. Our theme this year was a continuation of our Family Bible Week. Listen in to this week’s message where we are reminded that we are not perfect yet…so press on. We are not home yet…so look up! Pastor Matt preaching on Philippians 3:12-4:1. Full manuscript available at Pastor…
Continue Reading...We continue together learning about following Jesus by carefully studying His theological biography entitled “The Gospel of Matthew.” We have reached the part of the book that details the event of Jesus’ final week. Be encouraged by this message to Come to Jesus, Invite Others to Jesus, and Change for Jesus. Pastor Matt preaching on…
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