
Graphic of an open Bible.

Faith – 1 March 2020

Donnie Rosie, Marketing Director for Miracle Mountain Ranch, joins us and asks three questions: Do you live by faith? Who does your hope come from? Where do you place your faith?

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Graphic of an open Bible.

Never Always – 23 February 2020

Dave Catanzaro fills in for Pastor Matt this week and encourages us to never, never, never give in to your feelings and to always, always, always turn to your faith in Christ.

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Graphic of an open Bible.

Jesus Stood Before the Governor – 16 February 2020

We’ve followed Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew from before His birth no to the day of His death. We have been concentrating on the events of that last week, and that last night, and now this last day.

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Graphic of an open Bible.

Disowned and Condemned – 9 February 2020

For the last several weeks in our ongoing series through the Gospel of Matthew, we have following Jesus through the crucial events of the last hours before His crucifixion. We have seen His Passover meal, watched as he prayed in the garden, and gasped with horror as our Lord was betrayed with a kiss, arrested, drug off to the high priest, and subjected to a sick joke of an unjust trial. Now our Lord will be disowned and condemned.

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Graphic of an open Bible.

He Is Worthy – 2 February 2020

We are following Jesus through the events of that crucial last week, and now last day, just hours really, before His crucifixion. We have slowed down to carefully consider everything that Matthew tells us about Jesus during these crucial last hours.

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