We’ve been following Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew, and for the last several months, have been following Jesus through that last crucial holy week of His passion. It is Good Friday, and the Lord Jesus has just died on the cross. No longer is it going to get worse. From here on, it just gets better.
Continue Reading...We’ve been following Jesus through the Gospel of Matthew, and for the last several months, have been following Jesus through that last crucial holy week of His passion. And we’ve reached the last day of that last week. Now we’ve reached the last hours. It just gets worse.
Continue Reading...We take a break from our current sermon series for a special message that speaks directly to what we are all experiencing right now. Watch Pastor’s message today.
Continue Reading...We’ve followed Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew from before His birth no to the day of His death. We are smack dab in the middle of the worst day in human history. the worst day in Jesus’ life, because it is the day of His death. And it just gets worse.
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